from Wren Jane Beacon
Welcome to the world of Wren Jane Beacon. This brave and determined young lady was involved in world war two from beginning to end, on Royal Naval boats and in the teeth of chauvinism from Senior Naval officers. Book one, featured here, follows her through early days when the Navy knew as little about what she could do as she did herself. From Plymouth to Dover then unofficially at Dunkirk she shows what can be done, her brilliance and bravery always keeping her one step ahead of authority. As the creator I have become deeply involved in her doings, and a first draft of book three is ready for editing. It is proving to be a huge challenge and the research needed has been nearly as much fun as actually writing about her. With the website now available and lots more adventures to come I am hoping that Wren Jane can reach out to a much wider audience who will find her as entrancing a figure as I have. The history of world war two is the dominant theme in the background, and the extraordinary times this young girl lives through are reflected in her extraordinary life. Look out for more.

This novel was especially fascinating for me because my own mother served in the ATS during WW2 and – like Wren Jane Beacon – played her part in the ultimate allied victory. So I already knew a lot about life in the women’s army but very little about the women’s navy. Jane’s experiences were hugely interesting and attitude of men towards women in the armed forces rang completely true for me.

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